1. Pulte Group's target markets are the construction and sale of single-family detached homes, townhouses, and condominiums. The homebuilder customer segments are first-time homebuyers, move-up buyers, and active adults buyers. The targeting efforts are carried out through several brands such as Centex, Del Webb, Pulte Homes, and DiVosta. According to (Strauss, 2022 pg. 179) market targeting is the process of selecting the market segments that are the most attractive to the company. (Barnes, 2015) explains that the move-up buyers in Pulte Homes communities tend to place more premium on location and amenities. These communities typically offer larger homes at higher price points. Centex brand is intended to capture entry-level buyers, so these homes tend to be smaller with product offerings geared toward lower average selling prices. Through Del Webb, the company addresses the needs of active adults. The Del Webb brand offers both destination communities, mostly for retired people, and “in-place” communities that provide assistance to senior citizens for those buyers who prefer to remain in their current geographic area.
2. In 2017 Pulte Group partnered up with Fullscreen to tailor its digital marketing in three core objectives. First generating brand awareness, second building brand rapport, and third increasing contemplation (Pulte Homes Social Media - The Shorty Awards, 2022).
Brand awareness was generated through the content strategy Pulte's brand positioning of "helping people build the life they envision" by focusing on creativity that featured beautiful imagery of interior and exterior home designs, decor tips on how to get there, and more inspiration for what to do when you arrive home.
Building rapport was created through personalized conversations with fans, talking about every detail of their dream home, and laying the groundwork for a positive experience with the brand.
Consumer engagement and brand recognition was carried out through ads targeted to specific demographics such as renters, families, homeowners. In the 27 Pulte markets, these tailored ads focused on driving traffic and generating qualified leads for the sales representatives in each division.
According to (Sellers, 2021)
Pulte Group has robust content strategy tailored to all three buyer stages.
Awareness "The Life Tested videos were created to build awareness of our unique approach to designing consumer-inspired homes that provide a distinct advantage over the competition," said Deborah Wahl, the company's senior vice president and chief marketing officer. "It's consumer feedback that inspires our architects and designers to create homes in a way that best meets the modern family's needs (Homeowners Inspire Pulte Homes Life Tested® Online Video Campaign, 2013)."
Buyer consideration Pulte group uses platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram where they connect with homebuyers who share their vision for their perfect/ideal home through decor tips, home designs, inspired style. Consumers can comment, like and ask questions.
For the decision stage Pulte Group’s Centex brand now offers a first-of-its-kind online home buying process; an intuitive, modern, and innovative approach allows consumers to complete the entire home purchase online.
Homeowners Inspire Pulte Homes Life Tested® Online Video Campaign. (2013). Pultegroupinc.Com. https://www.pultegroupinc.com/investor-relations/press-releases/press-release-details/2013/Homeowners-Inspire-Pulte-Homes-Life-Tested-Online-Video-Campaign/default.aspx
Sellers, A. (2021, May 12). What Is the Buyer’s Journey? Blog.Hubspot.Com. https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/what-is-the-buyers-journey
Strauss, R. F. J. D. (2022). E-marketing (8th New edition). T&F/ROUTLEDGE.
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